The Treyver Dregs Campaign begins Thursday on TEST!

Crows, the Treyver Campaign War erupts in our World beginning Thursday (TEST Server)

Treyver Campaign Start & End Times

Beginning Thursday, February 4th, the Treyver Campaign will go live at 4 PM CST and runs through Monday, February 8th at 11 PM CST (Thursday, February 4th, 11 PM CET through Monday, February 8th at 6 AM CET).

Imports, Exports, and Win Conditions
Embargo Imports: 50
Embargo Exports: 50

Win Conditions: Conquest Points

  • The faction or Guild earning the most Conquest Points by the end of the campaign is declared the winner by the Gods! 
  • Additional rewards will be rewarded to top Guilds, and their members, for achieving top score in Divine Favor categories: Glory, Wealth, and Power. See the Rewards tab of the Campaign for details on winners and rewards.

Fight for the Gods as you set a path to victory!

You must be Level 20 to enter this Campaign!