Early Black Week deals are here! Beginning November 19, get your hands on some of the finest costumes Credits can buy, or pick up a brand new companion for your travels. Are you looking for a place to sit quietly and relax? We have something for that, too, in our latest Marketplace Update!
Formal Wear, Anywhere!
Change up your appearance with these hot deals! Turn heads with the Ceremonial Commander’s Attire that was worn by Nuian Officials at special events. However, this outfit is only available until November 26! What’s old is new again! The Griffin Guard Uniform may have fallen out of vogue since the days when emperors once ruled, but a modest adventurer with a flair for the unique could easily make it the trend of the season.
Ceremonial Commander’s Attire – 3200 Credits
Griffin Guard Uniform – 2950 Credits
A Pre-Black Week Treat
Experience Black Week a little early and treat yourself by hopping on the back of the Tidebreaker Tortoise and take a joyride through the vast ocean. Not the Travel Partner you imagined for this holiday season? Well, pick up the Lavaspark and breathe Magic Damage to your foes with the help of your new loyal Dragon companion!
Tidebreaker Tortoise – 3950 Credits*
Lavaspark – 2950 Credits*
*Limited to 1x per character and available until December 1.
Serene Pond Scene
Serenity is bliss. Kick back and relax next to a Serene Pond with our Serene Pond Pack! If you’re in the market for Sturdy Wooden Chairs, you can buy these chairs individually for only 150 Credits. Now that’s a steal!
Serene Pond Pack – 2000 Credits
Contains: Serene Pond x1, Sturdy Wooden Chair x2
Sturdy Wooden Chair – 150 Credits
Forged By Fire
Change up your weapons with the Wrapped Dread Guard Katana and Nodachi! Legend has it that these are the weapons used by the Shadowhawks that Anthalon killed and reanimated to be the guards for Kyrios himself.
Wrapped Dread Guard Katana – 300 Credits
Wrapped Dread Guard Nodachi – 300 Credits
It’s Time to Customize!
Switch up the appearance of your weapon with the Wrapped Image Item: Wandering Hawk (Bow) to take on the look of a sleek Obsidian bow. Or, take a glide on the wild side with the Glider Customization: Rainbow Monarch to change your Glider into stunningly colorful butterfly wings!
Wrapped Image Item: Wandering Hawk (Bow) – 300 Credits
Glider Customization: Rainbow Monarch – 2950 Credits*
*Limited to 1x per character and available until December 1.
Unlimited cuddles with your fashion plushies!
Accessorize your cuddly plushies with various items for an unlimited amount of time!
Unidentified Superior Hook – 500 Credits
Unidentified Mini-Wings – 500 Credits
Unidentified Heart Spectacles – 500 Credits
Unidentified Fluffy Pawtholder – 500 Credits
Unidentified Clockwork Key – 500 Credits
Unidentified Billowy Cloak – 500 Credits
Undersea Goggles – 500 Credits
Pacifier – 500 Credits
Ducky Flippers – 500 Credits
Cowbell – 500 Credits
Sweet, Sweet Serendipity
Are you thinking you’ve found the perfect gear item, but a stat isn’t what you were looking for? Look no further than these Serendipity Stones! Here to reroll that one pesky stat, or two, that is blocking your path to excellence. Limited purchase to 1x per character.
Bound Serendipity Stone (x5) – 3950 credits*
* Limited to 1x per character and available until December 1.
From November 24: Dress Up (Or Down)!
Coming to the Marketplace on November 24, wow a crowd with these gorgeous costumes. They are only available until December 1, so make haste and get them quickly.
Battle Fae – 4500 Credits
Orchidna’s Snakeskin Shroud – 4500 Credits
Auroran Navy Uniform – 1800 Credits
Nuian Navy Uniform – 1800 Credits
Haranyan Navy Uniform – 1800 Credits
Some of these deals will expire on December 1, so get them before they disappear. Who knows when they’ll be back!