Let the celebrations begin!

Adventurers from all around the world! We’d like to thank you for being a part of our big family and briefly tell you about what’s to come in Autumn! We’ve had a great summer together and it’s only going to get better from now on!

Now let the festivities begin because we’re going into a season of celebration! September will mark ArcheAge’s 6th anniversary and we’ve prepared some great surprises for you all to enjoy! Events, contests, celebrations, and much more!

You get double, he gets double, she gets double… Everybody gets double in this period of festivities! Keep an eye on our newsfeed and come enjoy double… everything!

Do you want to be remembered forever in ArcheAge? Then join our Community Design Contest! You will have the opportunity to design a brand new item for ArcheAge! Dates and details will be shared soon, so stay tuned.

One birthday is cool, two even better, but what about three? In October, the spotlight will be on ArcheAge: Unchained & gamigo! ArcheAge: Unchained will be celebrating its 1st birthday, and Gamigo is celebrating it’s 20th. Talk about a lot of candles!

Together, we will celebrate ArcheAge: Unchained’s first year with events, another surprise creative contest, and more!

Then, wish gamigo a happy birthday with us and will celebrate its 20th anniversary with even more in-game events, giveaways, rewards, special packages and more Double Events for a whole month!

We will soon start giving you the full details about all of these events and celebrations. Stay in touch!

Come join us in ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained for an awesome Autumn! Participate in the festivites, get your rewards and most importantly, have endless fun!