The Little Witch and her friends have prepared an exciting new challenge for accomplished broom riders this Hallowtide.
To participate in this competition, Adventurers ready to take flight may borrow a Mirage Broom from the Little Witch on Mirage Isle starting on October 22nd.
Successfully fly your broom through 5 consecutive gates without falling off to complete the Broom Rider quest. To up the ante, a second quest – Broom Master – will be added, where you must again successfully navigate through another 5 gates. Sounds easy? Well, those 5 gates are in a more difficult area!
Of course, no Hallowtide is complete without a little scare. Along the track, Mirage Ghosts, Wraiths, Scarecrows, and other spooky friends of the Little Witch are ready to distract and interrupt your flight and test your abilities. Use the unique skills of your broom to avoid these obstacles and try to reach the finishing line as fast as possible to receive additional rewards!
The faster you glide, you can earn additional rewards such as:
Broom Rider: 5 Little Witch Tokens
Broom Master: 5 Little Witch Tokens
Finishing in 3min: 10 Little Witch Tokens
Finishing in 3min 30sec: 7 Little Witch Tokens Finishing in 4min: 5 Little Witch Tokens Finishing in 6min: 3 Little Witch Tokens
Finishing in 6min+: 1 Little Witch Token

Of course, the event wouldn’t be complete without a couple of achievements, and the Little Witch brewed up some special rewards to incentivize participation.
Broom Rider: Flying through 160 pumpkins in a row, without losing the “Pumpkin Collector” buff grants the title “Broom Rider”.
Knows no Fear: Completing the quest “Broom Rider” 10 times grants the title “Knows no Fear” and a title icon of a jack-o’-lantern.
Might be a Witch: Completing the quest “Broom Master” 5 times grants the title “Might be a Witch”.
Ghost of Mirage: Completing the entire course in less than 4min 3 times grants the title “Ghost of Mirage” and a title icon of an adorable ghost.
Finally, avid Token collectors can exchange their Little Witch Tokens at the Hallowtide Gift Exchanger for Bound Serendipity Stones, Honorable Victory Potions Rank 5, Honorable Vocation Potions Rank 5, Radiant Hiram Awakening Scrolls, Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scrolls, Radiant Infusion Supply Kits, and Fortune Boxes! ArcheAge Free-to-Play servers have the added option to exchange these coins for Manastorm Crystals. However, be sure to turn in your Hallowtide Coins for your favorite goodies before the vendor disappears on November 12th!

Hurry up and take flight, as this event ends on November 5th!