EVE Down Under on CCP TV

Oh, g’day.

In case you didn’t know already, EVE Down Under is taking place this weekend as an online event and you’ll be able to catch it on CCP TV!

EVE Down Under is a long running and popular player gathering originating from the passionate Australian community but seeks to represent everyone playing in the cruelly downtime-afflicted Oceanic hemisphere of the Earth.

You can jump onto CCP TV over the weekend (AUTZ primetime ofc) and enjoy the following content:

Friday, 9 October
– 0900 – 1100 UTC: AUTZ Public Roam with devs
– 1100 – 1120 UTC: Introduction to EVE Down Under and chats with CCP
– 1120 – 1140 UTC: EDU PvP tournament draw

Saturday, 10 October
– 0900 – 1000 UTC: Updates from CCP
– 1000 – 1100 UTC: CCP AMA
– 1100 – 1200 UTC: AUTZ Alliance Panel

Sunday, 11 October
– 0900 – 1030 UTC: PvP Tournament semifinals and finals

As always EVE Down Under will be a fairly casual event without too much pomp and circumstance – just the way Australians like things. We hope you manage to tune into some of the broadcasts over the weekend and learn more about what makes the AUTZ a special part of New Eden!