Rise of Avalon – Known Issues (Update: Aug 14th)

Rise of Avalon Update – Known Issues

  • Spell cooldown timers (new feature): When using buffs or passives that reduce spell cooldowns, sometimes an incorrect number of cooldown seconds may be displayed. The actual cooldown time is still correct. – Will be fixed with Patch 1
  • Crafting Avalonian Weapons does not fill journals – Will be fixed with Patch 1
  • Worldboss clusters do not have resources – Will be fixed with Patch 1
  • Trees do not show enchantment FX – Will be fixed with Patch 1
  • Infamy resets if a player disconnects when invading a dungeon – Fixed with Hotfix #2
  • Mimic (Arcane Staff): Caster cannot use mimicked abilities that are not unlocked in their corresponding Destiny Board slot – Resolved