The Off-Season Crystal Tournament is Coming!…a62edeb9427cfb5e5482c12ba

Prior to the start of Guild Season 10 on August 29, we’ll be hosting the first-ever Offseason Crystal Tournament! All teams who win Level 9 during Season 9 are invited to participate, with valuable prizes at stake.

Here are the details which have been confirmed:


  • The Tournament will take place on the weekend of August 22-23. If there are many teams participating, then the first part of the Tournament will run on Saturday and the final part on Sunday. If there are fewer teams, then it will be held all in one day. Participants are advised to keep both days free until further notice
  • Battles will be full loot and players will have to bring their own gear
  • Matches will run on shorter timers to provide more flexibility on match slot times. Specific times will be allocated to the teams prior to each match. Teams should be prepared to play matches back-to-back if so required


While the full details on the tournament structure (group stage, double elimination, best-of-three etc) will be finalized and announced once the actual number of participating teams have been determined, the following will apply:

From the start of the tournament until the top four teams are determined

  • Level 4 IP cap (1200)

Semi-finals (top four teams)

  • Level 9 IP cap (1700)

Finals (top two teams)

  • Level 9 IP cap (1700)

For all matches, each round won delivers Level 3 off-season rewards.


  • Participants have to use the same team (same character) that played in the Season 9 Crystal League Level 9 match on August 9
  • Each team can allocate one substitute in total for the entire Tournament
  • Each team must assign a Captain to be the main point of contact between the tournament organizers, Game Masters and the team
  • All matches must be initiated via Energy Manipulator in Martlock (special tokens will provided to the teams prior to each match)
  • Teams must provide the following information to the tournament organizers (DM me on the forum) by Tuesday, August 11, 10 UTC:
    • List of team members
    • Substitute allocation
    • Captain allocation
  • Teams should only sign up for the match slots they have been allocated to by the tournament organizers and/or Game Masters
  • The new Avalonian Weapons and Offhands that will go live with the Rise of Avalon update on August 12 are not allowed in matches
  • Use of exploits and/or glitches are not allowed in the Tournament
  • Each team must act in the spirit of sportsmanship and work towards its own victory in all matches. If anyone is suspected of violating this and/or not competing, they will be penalized

Substitute rules

  • The substitute can be used in all matches
  • If a team decides to use its substitute in a match, the Captain should indicate this to the Game Master they are allocated to prior to the specific match
  • Substitutes for the winning teams will be awarded the same prizes as their team members

Any participant and/or team found breaking the rules may be penalized at the tournament organizers’ discretion. All decisions are final. The penalties may include, but are not limited to:

  • Suspension from one or more matches
  • Suspension from the remainder of the Tournament and/or future tournaments
  • Matches can be voided or declared a different result by the tournament organizers


The following prizes apply for the first through third place winners.

  • First Place: Each player on the winning team will receive the extremely rare Sabertooth Rex Swiftclaw skin unlock item and 10,000 Gold
  • Second Place: Each player will receive the White Tiger skin unlock item along with 5,000 Gold
  • Third Place: Each player will receive 5,000 Gold

(Note: we may add in additional rewards later depending on how many eligible teams are participating in the tournament.)

This thread will be updated with more details as we go along, so please keep checking back!