ArcheAge: Unchained: The Daru’s Special Costume Offer: #1 is still available!

What could happen if a Chosen of Nui, a Firebrand Courtier and an owl organized a party? Let’s find out all together on ArcheAge: Unchained with the Daru ‘s Special Costume Offer: #1!

For only 799 Credits, add three fantastic costumes to your wardrobe and be ready to hit the dancefloor.

Nui’s Chosen Uniform

Do you wish to pay tribute to the Chosen Ones of Nui who fought valiantly against Anthalon’s Crimson Army? Wear this Nui’s Chosen Uniform with pride and show your values and strength.

Firebrand Courtier’s Robes

Do you crave yellow color in your adventurous life? Then the Firebrand Courtier’s Robes will suit you perfectly. Dress up like a Royal Advisor who devided to wear colourful clothing to be rebellious.

Owl Post Uniform

Have you always dreamed of being a owl post trainer and being surrounded by owls the whole day? Be what you loves, be an owl then.

Daru ‘s Special Costume Offer: #1 – 799 Credits


Be a fashionista now, since these deals will vanish on July 31st!