Calling all heroes of Erenor from ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained! You deserve more so we’re giving it to you! Starting 27th March at 7 PM UTC (12 PM PDT) we’re granting 30% more on all ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained Credit Packages until March 30th!
How do I take advantage of this deal?
Get ready to splurge and spice up your Spring because all Credit Packages will receive a 30% Bonus with no limit! Purchase as many Credit Packages as you want within the timeframe and get a bonus on every credit pack. First time buying credits? Then these deals stack even higher with a 50% bonus on your first credit pack!
This deal is here for a good time but not a long time and ends at 7 AM UTC (12 AM PDT) on March 30th.
To view and purchase credit packs for ArcheAge: Unchained, click Here!
To view and purchase credit packs for ArcheAge, click Here!
Please note that purchasing credits for ArcheAge will only work on ArcheAge Free-to-Play servers while purchasing credits for ArcheAge: Unchained will only work on ArcheAge: Unchained servers.
These deals melt away like snow on a warm Spring day on the morning of March 30th, so don’t wait too long!